Monday, November 12, 2007


Commitment--it has clearly escaped me on this project. After reading several blogs and memoirs lately, I've been inspired to do some writing of my own. Curious about the whole blogging craze, wanting to know more about how I could design my own, but most importantly the desire to start working on my project have placed me in full cookbook writing and blogging gear.

Like many, my childhood memories are linked closely with cooking and food. What better way to preserve the centerpieces of family celebrations than to put them together in cookbook. Someday (perhaps in 2008), it will be the Christmas gift I give my sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles. Actually, about 5 years ago, I began the process of collecting recipes and talking about the idea with my mom. On that same trip home, my now-husband proposed. I spent the next year planning our (see hon, I can say "our") wedding. Then the next year, I was busy and overwhelmed with a job I absolutely abhorred, we bought a house and moved. One thing led to another and the cookbook project was postponed.

My cookbook project interest is waxing these days (I think I've been reading too many cookbooks and books about food). The idea behind the blog is to try out my thoughts that will go between the recipes as I follow my self through the process and giving me the commitment kick in the pants I need and deserve.

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