Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Gifts for Foodies

Nancy Leson has some great gift ideas for the foodies in your lives. I wouldn't mind any of these (except the retractable fork)...especially the cooking lessons at Le Gourmand.

See here:

Not that I have any readers, even my mother (most likely gifter and best gifter I know) can't quite figure out what the blogosphere is all about.

I especially love the purse hook. I've been meaning to Google the "dangle." My friend has one of these and I've been eyeing it for weeks each time she pulls up a nearby barstool. And now Nancy tells me that there is a glitzy option: the pursehook. I'd use it for the bars in my life though, not for fine dining.

Nancy's (yes, I do feel like she's a friend even though I've never met her. I do rely on her weekly words on food and a Wednesday without her column is a sad day) article is an idea for a post of my own....with my own foodie gift ideas. I'll see if I can compile something.

Though fair warning: I'm about to enter the maelstrom of testing the family holiday recipes and am thinking of hosting a Christmas Eve gathering with Mom and Gege's menu. And that will come first in this journey.


Unknown said...

Don't be silly! Any friend of mine is a friend of mine. And I read your blog this morning -- before getting back to work on next week's columns.

BTW: if your mother, your husband or your Golden Retriever is reading this, Nancy says: get her the cooking class, but first look at the selections at I wasn't shilling (nor do I ever shill). I was truly impressed with the class I took at Dish it Up in Magnolia. It was a great facility: intimate and elegant. Of course, I left with an expensive Le Cruset pot in hand, dropping $80(less a "class discount") that I wasn't expecting to drop. But now I've got another great enameled cast-iron pot to add to my arsenel.

Want another great gift for your intrepid blogger? If she doesn't already have a mini-Cuisinart food processor, the one I treated myself to before Thanksgiving is amazing. It's a mini-prep plus, DLC-2A series, and I got it, with a coupon, at Linens & Things. Whoa! It's so much easier to lift and handle than my 22-year-old Cuisinart. And since I have no counter space at home, and always have to schlep the Cuisinart out, it works wonders for this mother's kitchen.

Cheers, Nancy

MMD said...

Thanks Nancy for the tips and the read... You made my day!

If I don't receive any cooking classes, I just might invest in some myself. I've been taking some at the PCC so maybe I'll have to branch out and try Dish It Up.

I've always been afraid of the mini-cuisinart, so it's good to hear of your endorsement. My Cuisinart, which is actually by Kitchen Aid, not Cuisinart at all, has one of those smaller inserts for herbs and smaller chops. But it does make for a process with all the hauling, putting away and re-hauling. And I haven't been too impressed with the insert.